古典吧>英语词典>lay out翻译和用法

lay out

英 [leɪ aʊt]

美 [leɪ aʊt]

(整齐地)铺开,展开,摊开; 阐述; 讲解; 说明; 规划,布置,设计(场地或建筑); 花(大钱)



  • PHRASAL VERB (整齐地)铺开,展开,摊开
    If youlay outa group of things, you spread them out and arrange them neatly, for example so that they can all be seen clearly.
    1. Grace laid out the knives and forks at the lunch-table...
    2. She took a deck of cards and began to lay them out.
  • PHRASAL VERB 阐述;讲解;说明
    Tolay outideas, principles, or plans means to explain or present them clearly, for example in a document or a meeting.
    1. Maxwell listened closely as Johnson laid out his plan...
    2. Cuomo laid it out in simple language.
  • PHRASAL VERB 规划,布置,设计(场地或建筑)
    Tolay outan area of land or a building means to plan and design how its different parts should be arranged.
    1. When we laid out the car parks, we reckoned on one car per four families...
    2. Only people that use a kitchen all the time understand the best way to lay it out.
  • PHRASAL VERB 为(死者)做殡葬准备(或化妆)
    Tolay outa dead person means to clean their body and dress them for people to see before the funeral.
    1. Friends laid out the body.
  • PHRASAL VERB 花(大钱)
    If youlay outmoney on something, you spend a large amount of money on it.
    1. You won't have to lay out a fortune for this dining table.
  • PHRASAL VERB 把(某人)击倒在地
    Tolaysomeoneoutmeans to knock them to the ground, especially by hitting them hard.
    1. Andy turned round, marched over to Chris and just laid him out.
  • See also:layout



  • get ready for a particular purpose or event
    1. set up an experiment
    2. set the table
    3. lay out the tools for the surgery
    Synonym:set upset
  • provide a detailed plan or design
    1. She laid out her plans for the new house
  • bring forward and present to the mind
    1. We presented the arguments to him
    2. We cannot represent this knowledge to our formal reason
  • lay out orderly or logically in a line or as if in a line
    1. lay out the clothes
    2. lay out the arguments
    Synonym:rangearrayset out
  • spend or invest
    1. lay out thousands on gold
    2. he laid out a fortune in the hope of making a huge profit


  • So the discussion will lay out some alternatives, in two main areas: regulation and monetary policy.
  • These are government decision on how much to lay out for purchases and transfer payments.
  • I'll lay out the basic process I've used so far for creating units in case that helps.
  • It is possible to make any necessary changes for a model and then lay out the pattern on fabric.
  • The wife employed a company to lay out the apartment.
  • Or they have to spend or lay out more money than they want for something.
  • Maxwell listened closely as Johnson laid out his plan
  • They lay out a lot of cash for these fundamental purchases and take out banks loans for the balance.
  • You won't have to lay out a fortune for this dining table.
  • I've done my best to lay out the data and explain how I've interpreted it.